Repairing Windows 10 Start Menu not Working – Quick & Easy!

You feel like your Windows 10 Start menu is not working properly? Or the display doesn’t open? Maybe it just stays empty and therefore loses essential functions? How you can use Windows 10 for repairing the Start menu? It’s anything but trivial, because the error can be located in many different places. At the latest…

Error Message: “Your PC Settings aren’t Supported Yet on this Version of Windows 10.”

With the current May update, Microsoft wanted to finally upgrade Windows 10 to version 2004. Annoying: While a large part of the users could start the update without any problems and without error messages, the delivery was delayed considerably for many. Still others are again struggling to get the latest version. If you have a…

Fix Windows 10 Update Error – Repair and Prevent!

Windows 10 update errors have always caused problems when updating the operating system. Nevertheless, experts recommend always keeping the software up-to-date and fix Windows 10 update error. A consistent approach is mainly for your own safety and applies to both the latest versions of Windows 10, extended variants like Windows 8.1 Pro as well as…