0xc000007b Error – Fix 0xc00007b on Windows 10: The Application was Unable to Start Correctly

Despite all the sophistication with which Microsoft develops operating systems, errors do occur from time to time in such a complex environment. “0xc000007b Error: The application was unable to start correctly” is one of those error codes that is specifically reported in Windows 10 64-bit regularly. Alternatively, the error can also be called 0xc00007b –…

How to Set Up a VPN – The Basics of VPN Clients, FritzBox, Windows 10 and all other Connections

The technology behind a VPN server has evolved considerably in the recent past. You can now easily setup VPN on your iPhone or establish a VPN connection via Android without much prior knowledge. Whether it’s Windows 10 or Mac, Chrome or Firefox, the FritzBox 7590 or (almost any) other router – there’s always a way…