0xc000007b Error – Fix 0xc00007b on Windows 10: The Application was Unable to Start Correctly

Despite all the sophistication with which Microsoft develops operating systems, errors do occur from time to time in such a complex environment. “0xc000007b Error: The application was unable to start correctly” is one of those error codes that is specifically reported in Windows 10 64-bit regularly. Alternatively, the error can also be called 0xc00007b –…

Enable and Disable Hibernation on Windows 10 – Sleep Mode vs Standby!

Whether it’s a PC or a laptop, Microsoft offers numerous alternatives to shutting down your device – sleep vs hibernate or standby, that’s the question! The majority of these modes shorten your boot time, sometimes considerably and thus speed up the startup process of your system. That’s why you should enable and not disable hibernation…

How to Reinstall Windows Store – Access all Apps from Microsoft!

The Microsoft Store has been the company’s standard for app purchases or free tools ever since Windows 8.1. Entertainment, gaming, productivity: you’ll find it here. That’s why it can become a real problem when access is lost, and you have to learn how to reinstall the Windows Store. Especially if you are a user of…